2016年9月21日 星期三



#1    “selective Attention” OR “sustained attention”
#2    “information processing speed” OR “information processing”
#3    stroke      可參考的標題標上紅字

#1 [Title/Abstract] AND #2[Title/Abstract]  AND #3 [Title/Abstract]
1.          Neurofeedback training improves the dual-task performance ability in stroke patients
2.          >>動作訓練介入,透過電子儀器看成效
3.          A quantitative systematic review of domain-specific cognitive impairment in lacunar stroke.
2013 - ‎被引用 42
4.          >>同時回顧cross-sectional and longitudinal studies

#1    attention
#2    “information processing speed” OR “information processing”
#3    stroke

(#1[Title/Abstract] OR #2) AND #3 [Title]
(#1[Title/Abstract] OR #2) AND #3 [Title] AND ("2006/09/25"[PDat] : "2016/09/21"[PDat])
1.          Assessing the temporal aspects of attention and its correlates in aging and chronic stroke patients.
>>評估中風病人的sustained attention and phasic alertness,有使用Cognitive Failures Questionnaire.
2.          Development of a Tablet-based symbol digit modalities test for reliably assessing information processing speed in patients with stroke.
3.          Attention deficits after incident stroke in the acute period: frequency across types of attention and relationships to patient characteristics and functional outcomes.
1.          Dissociated functional connectivity profiles for motor and attention deficits in acute right-hemisphere stroke.
2.          The role of processing speed in post-stroke cognitive dysfunction.
>>中風病人在6個認知層面中屬processing speed最嚴重
3.          Visual attention in posterior stroke and relations to alexia.
>>中風後評估閱讀有Visual attention的訊息處理和視野問題,可能導致失讀症
4.          Natural history of attention deficits and their influence on functional recovery from acute stages to 6 months after stroke.
5.          Examining the relationship between fatigue and cognition after stroke: A systematic review.
>>系統回顧fatigue and memory, attention, speed of information processing and reading speed的關係
6.          Mental fatigue and cognitive impairment after an almost neurological recovered stroke.
7.          Sleep disturbance and deficits of sustained attention following stroke
8.          Training of selective attention in work-active stroke patients
9.          Correlation between the Quality of Attention and Cognitive Competence with Motor Action inStroke Patients
10.      Test of Everyday Attention in patients with chronic stroke: test-retest reliability and practice effects.
11.      Cognitive rehabilitation for attention deficits following stroke.
12.      Stroke, cognitive deficits, and rehabilitation: still an incomplete picture.
>> Stroke病人的cognitive deficits和復健成效其中的機制還不清楚
13.      The influence of attention deficits on functional recovery post stroke during the first 12 months after discharge from hospital.

